10 Heating Tips for Keeping Warm this Winter

Getting home after a long hard winter day, fighting through rain, wind and hail to your living room; how often do we find ourselves running to switch the heating on first, trying to get the house warm and cosy for ourselves and our families? All too often though, the heating just isn’t as warm as it should be. Some areas of the house are colder than others or you just aren’t getting that cosy feeling.

The team at Nortan Heating & Cooling services understands and has some great advice that you can quickly follow to help the warmth stay inside for as long as possible this winter without blowing out your next energy bill.

heating tips for winter

  1. Close all windows and doors

Start finding the source of your heating woes by eliminating the easy solutions first. Do you have or live with children? They love to open things and leave them open, especially doors and windows. Double-check your home to ensure all your windows are closed properly.

Has someone in the house run to the toilet or used the study, did they leave the door open on the way out? Leaving commonly used doors around the home open, such as bedroom, toilet and laundry doors, can also take away your cosy feeling.  It is a common misconception that leaving doors open will allow the house to heat faster, but it’s actually letting cold air move throughout the home taking your warmth hostage.


  1. Block any drafts

Have you also noticed a cold draft coming from a particular room or under the doors leading outside? Door snakes are a simple and inexpensive solution to door drafts.


  1. Cover your windows

Once the sun has gone down, close any curtains or shades you have to cover your windows, even in rooms that are not in use.  Heat easily escapes through windows and this is one of the biggest causes of your home losing its warmth too quickly during the winter. While the sun is still up, keep your blinds and curtains open, allowing the natural heat of the sunlight to add to the warmth of your home.


  1. Cover the floor

Floorboards have become more popular again; however they are may be responsible for up to 10% of your hearing loss, due to their lack of insulation. Lay rugs in the rooms you are trying to keep warm – you will notice the difference!


  1. Check your filters

Most forms of heating contain filters to prevent dust from circulating through your home. However, once the filters become full they will reduce and eventually prevent the efficient flow of air. Ensure your filters are cleaned every year to ensure maximum airflow and warmth.


  1. Open all heating ducts

Make sure all ducted heating outlets are fully open. There is a myth that closing vents in underutilised rooms will save energy – however, this is not the case. Closing vents actually causes the central heating unit to work harder, costing you more money!


  1. Minimise heat loss in the ducting

If your ducted heating is of an older design, it may be worthwhile upgrading to R1.5 insulated material and insulated fittings. This minimises the loss of heat, as it travels from the furnace to each room.


  1. Time it right

Do you work long hours, spend forever commuting and don’t get home until 7 or 8 in the evening? The temperature could easily be in the single digits! You can avoid coming home to a freezing house by upgrading to a Wi-Fi compatible thermostat. Turn your heater on when you leave work and come home to a warm house. These can be installed for $750.


  1. Create heat for less

Now that solar feed-in-tariffs have reduced, many with solar power are producing extra electricity during daylight hours which is going to waste. Use your electricity-powered split system to heat your house during the afternoon – don’t wait until it’s dark and you’re reliant on your electricity provider.


  1. Keep it safe

Gas is great for heating your home quickly, however, when neglected it can become a hazard. When it is too cold or wet to dry clothes outside, it is often tempting to hang clothes to dry on or near the heater. Keep clothing and other flammable materials away from gas heaters as they can easily combust. Also, remember to have your gas appliance tested for carbon monoxide every two years. High levels of carbon monoxide can be harmful to your family and have even resulted in death.


If you have tried the above tips and still just can’t get that warm and cosy feeling, then think back to when your heating unit was installed, and the last time it was serviced. If it’s been over a year since you had an experienced and reputable technician look at it then we recommend you book an annual service now. The team at Nortan Heating & Cooling services specialise in heating and cooling solutions from small to large and we would be happy to assist you to get the best out of your heating solutions this winter.


Contact a member of the Nortan Heating & Cooling services team to arrange a service today.

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